What other practitioners say:

"So easy and quick to learn!"
- JW - Ontario, Canada -

"I love the scoliosis work - it’s amazing!"
- LD - California, USA -

"The moves for head extension blow me away."
- KW - California, USA -

"The lumbar disc work saved me! Thank you for sharing."
- GB - Australia -

"Your work is very profound yet simple and straightforward!"
- PM - Oxford, UK -

"This stuff is so simple - I don’t believe it works so quickly."
- ST - Lancashire, UK -

"I love the work for pronated feet - it’s a game changer and made a big difference to so many people. Wunderbar!"
- SL - Germany -

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Two simple assessments (described in the tutorial) help you determine if there is an A/C joint dysfunction. This AoB work is phenomenal at clearing the pain and discomfort in seconds.

You will be amazed at the speed at which this works!

Indications for use:

      • Pain on either the sternoclavicular or acromioclavicular joints
      • Pain upon shoulder flexion or abduction
      • Pain in the shoulder when laying on the affected side
      • Difficulty with swallowing
      • Difficulty with speech

Video running time 04:43

See the discounted price below for MSTR® Community Members

49,00 35,00 EURO
Press the Paypal button to purchase

*By purchasing you agree to the Terms and Conditions
Remember: You will have access to the tutorial for up to ONE month from the date of purchase. For details read the FAQ
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